The idea would be to make the journal completely free which would require it to be as low maintenance as possible. The aim is to make the journal belong to the community and hence minimize the workload on individuals. How can this be achieved and what are the issues that must be considered?
- The journal should work as a traditional journal with the difference that papers are only published on-line and are free to access by anyone.
- The editorial board (including the Editors-in Chief) should be changed regularly. I believe 3-5 years is a reasonable time to serve as an editor.
- Fairly large editorial board, say 30 (reliable) researchers. Try to distribute the papers among the editors.
- The editors have to take greater responsibility throughout the process - from submission to publication. For example, the editor has to check that the final version is in the required format. One should also allow the editors to have more power, for example, if authors don't follow the stated procedures then the editor should have the right (within reason) to reject it, all to minimize work for the editors.
- Aim to only accept high quality research since this will decrease the number of submissions (at least in the long run). Since the journal isn't making any money it doesn't have to publish any issues if there are no papers accepted.
- Where to host it? If we buy a domain name then it doesn't really matter where we host it and we could move it if necessary. A domain name is cheap so this isn't a problem.
- Free Journal management systems are available. I played around with Open Journal Systems which might be adequate (needs to be investigated further).
- How to get ranked? If the journal is successful it will get ranked sooner or later. Is this a problem initially?
- Name of the journal? Suggestions?
It doesn't sound hard, but I'm sure I forgot lots of issues. Comments and ideas are highly appreciated.