Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Lipton theory symposium

Richard Lipton
is celebrating his 60th birthday this year, and a symposium is organized in his honor. Lipton has several fundamental contributions in complexity theory, algorithms, DNA computing and cryptography. He has a number of specific results that are especially famous, perhaps the most well-known ones are the Karp-Lipton theorem and the planar separator theorem.

Dick Lipton was my PhD supervisor at Princeton, not too long ago. Working with him was a real joy in every aspect. I remember that during our meetings, I felt like he had at least one stoc/focs-paper-idea per day. Looking back at my PhD years in princeton, i think i was fortunate enough to have an "as-good-as-it-gets" phd experience and opportunities, and lipton was a big part of that.

The lipton-symposium announcement follows:

Subject: A Symposium in Honor of Dick Lipton's 60th birthday

Dear friends,

On April 26-28, the Georgia Tech College of Computing is hosting a
theory symposium in honor of Richard Lipton's 60th birthday and
his many seminal contributions to Computer Science. Symposium speakers
include Richard Karp, Michael Rabin, Avi Wigderson, Sasha Razborov,
Jin-Yi Cai, Ravi Kannan, and many others.

For more information, including online registration, please visit:

We left room in the program for a few contributed talks. Please let us
know if you are interested in speaking at the event.

Looking forward to seeing you in April.


Dan Boneh
Program Chair

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Theoretical Computer Science day in Sydney

Theoretical Computer Science Day in Sydney
May 14, 2008
Darlington Centre, University of Sydney


The theoretical computer science day will take place in Sydney on May 14, 2008. The aim of this one-day event is to bring together researchers interested in all aspects of theoretical computer science, and discuss current trends and problems in the field, as well as future directions. The EII Network and the organizing committee would like to invite researchers in theoretical computer science to participate in this event. If you are interested in participating, please contact one of the organizers.

The list of invited speakers includes:
Sartaj Sahni University of Florida
Pat Morin, Carleton University
Peter Bro Miltersen, University of Aarhus

The meeting is sponsored by the EII Network, University of Sydney and NICTA.

More information will be available on this page.

Joachim Gudmundsson, NICTA,
Taso Viglas, University of Sydney,
Tony Wirth, University of Melbourne,

Sunday, March 2, 2008

new: ACM Transactions on Computation Theory (ToCT)

There is a new journal from ACM, Transactions on Computation Theory (ToCT), with emphasis on computational complexity. Editor-in-chief is lance fortnow, and here is his post announcing the new journal on his blog. The journal will be available through the ACM digital library.